Media Evaluation

M.E.C.C.A.M.P.- How I Evaluate TV Commercials 

(on The Promotion of iJerk™ism)


 Message: What is the message the advertiser is trying to convey to the audience? Are there any types of fallacies? What implied messages are there for the audience to unconsciously absorb? Does it promote unhealthy or destructive behavior? How many beats per minute?  Beats per minute, when synced with out bodies heart rates can subconsciously influence us (for example, songs that go on to become hit songs).


 Effects: How is the advertiser attempting to ‘wow’ the audience, keeping their attention? Motion Graphics? Trick of the Camera? Textures?


 Color: It can brand, set a mood and leave an imprint on the retina. What is the purpose or the use of the color selection?


 Composition: How is this message being presented or packaged by the advertiser?  Is it clean or cluttered? Is it a chore or a delight to receive?


  Audio:  The advertiser’s attempt to immerse me into the experience using sound.  Be it a song, noise or audio effects. Does it help or deter me from the message?


 Manipulation: Am I being taught new behavior? Productive or Destructive? Why were the fallacies implanted within the message? What action am I to believe that I should take next?


 Persona: Who the advertiser chose to help me empathize with and see the company with human qualities.  Can the company can take care of my pain and frustrations as implied?

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