TOP 10 Signs of an iJerk


The following countdown list is intended to be slightly humorous (though I am no comedian), but also to be a tool to help you or those you care about. This is not intended to start a finger-pointing, name-calling, witch hunt of those whom exhibit iJerk® behaviors. If you or anyone have or are displaying any of these signs, do not freak out.  As always, if there are any underlying issues that need to be addressed, consult a Mental Health Professional.

Number 10: It begins innocently enough…

Number 9: …and a rewarding experience turns into…

Number 8: …a distraction, a habit, an addiction.

Number 7: …and you just cannot get enough of it.

Number 6: …The tech brand products become what you believe to be an extension of yourself.

Number 5: This believed extension of yourself sets you apart from commoners.

Number 4: …Believing in a righteous fight and down with all who stand in your way.

Number 3: Can we call them Merchants of Change? Chaos? Martrys?…

Number 2: …I won’t go any further into this topic.

Number 1: …volution.

At one point in time, we may all display behave in some way that is similar to an iJerk® on some level. Note that iJerks display these behaviors more frequently than others. It has become a rewarded behavior and until it reaches a destructive level, they may not see the need to change or curb their enthusiasm. You can find them in the home, in public, in the workplace and more.  Approach them at your own risk and do not forget that they are people too.  Though it may seem irrational, there may be some rational explanation why they have a specific belief system based not only on a tech brand and a way of life. Please use this list as a way for you to begin exploring if you are one. If you want to read a great book very similar to this topic, I would suggest, Propaganda (1928), by Edward Bernays.

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About Joseph

I'm a consumer...but I'd rather create.

Joseph has written 20 awesome articles for us at The iJerk

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